Okay Klubees: Tomorrow is May 25. We are almost halfway to Christmas again and need to get in gear. Anything you do prior to December will help make your holidays more organized and enjoyable. Movie suggestions for tomorrow while you work are A Christmas Story or The Muppet Christmas Carol. I just love the Christmas Story. While I wasn't even born during the time the story was set, at one time or another I heard just about every warning used in that flick growing up. Starving kids in China, I'll give you something to cry about, don't play with your food, you get the idea. It's a comfort to me to watch and remember a time in America where The Wizard of Oz rocked and you listened to the radio instead of fixating on a TV, or worse, video game. I love the Muppets too. Such a sweet story and ofcourse, I always cry LOL. Or, listen to Christmas music and work on something. One thing that is good to start this time of year is your yearly Christmas newsletter, if you do that. Sc...