Only 226 Days 'til Christmas

As promised, here are a couple of recipes for Christmas as well as ideas for Christmas preparation this month. I always have thought at this stage of the game we have TONS of time. Not necessarily so. The months fly by as I get older. It's summer and I barely remember last fall. For the Brod Abode, the holidays really kick off after Labor Day. Because our family is so crazy about All Hallow's Eve, I start decorating for fall/Halloween the first of September. I've been known to start in August. We pull out all the stops for Halloween (see my Facebook page) and when that is over, Nov. 1 is takedown day and I begin decorating for Christmas. I have 4 different villlages and each of them can take a day alone because I'm a tweaker. And they are my favorite decoration. So, whatever you get done now, you will appreciate so much as Thanksgiving approaches and you have all your shopping done and wrapped and are ready to decorate. Ofcourse, it is a bit awkward at my house as I don't really decorate for Thanksgiving, Christmas is beginning to show up all over but I do atleast try to keep the tables in theme with Thanksgiving. (see picture above) When your precious little angels are home this summer, give them a Christmas project to work on. Let them design and make their own tags. Keep rolls of brown paper on the ready for those budding wrapping paper designers. Grab a knitting loom and sit down together and learn to knit on this super easy and portable device. Have everyone make scarves for gifts and for people in need. You can do this on the 25th of the month in keeping with the Kris Kringle Klub aka Kx3 or when it's rainy outside. I remember one year I was home sick from school and Mom brought in these beautiful ornaments for me to work on. They were called "Funtasy Balls". I still get all warm and fuzzy thinking of how much fun those were to make and how Mom made even sick days fun. If you are into Halloween and the month has the 31st coming up (like this month) work on projects for that holiday. We love the carvable pumpkins from the craft store and sitting out on the patio working on those or making tombstones is fun and relaxing. Or wrap mannequin heads in tea dyed gauze to make a spooky deco. The list is only limited to your imagination. Have fun and include the family. My boys are both grown and gone now and I so miss working on holiday crafts and decorating with them. Since Josh moved to MN and Jordan got married the graveyard out front just isn't happening for me anymore, LOL.

2 lb. white almond bark
4 oz. bar German chocolate
12 oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips
24 oz. jar dry roasted peanuts

Put all ingrediants in crock pot; cook 1 hour on high. Do not stir. Turn crockpot to low and stir every 15 minutes for 1 hour. Drop on waxed paper and cool. Store in an air-tight container.

Recipe from Kelli Manning Taylor
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup confectioner's sugar
3/4 cup semisweet mini chocolate chips
3/4 cup finely chopped pecans
graham crackers or gingersnaps

Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla until fluffy.
Gradually add sugar, beat until just combined
Stir in chocolate chips.
Form into ball, then refrigerate until firm enough to hold it's shape and roll in pecans. Chill 2 hours and serve with broken up graham crackers or ginger snaps


  1. Thank you they sound sooo good. Will make for Christmas.


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