We Have Hope

A precious friend of mine, Janet, lost her husband last month after a long illness.  His funeral was one of the best celebrations of a life I have ever attended.  Our church was so packed that Mom and I had to sit in the fellowship hall and watch it via the tv.  We really didn't get to see the slideshow very well but heard the beautiful piano music composed by his daughter Heather.  Today they posted the slideshow on Janet's Facebook page and I finally got to see it.  It filled me with such a joy and hope to know that we have the promise of eternal life through the death of our Savior.  And it's free.  I will be honored to spend my eternity with Hal Newsom and the lovely family he temporarily leaves behind.  God is good.
I missed Dad quite a bit today...perhaps thinking of the way the world is going and knowing no matter what God is in control.  I'm thankful Daddy isn't suffering any longer and that, along with Hal, he has a perfect body in the presence of our Lord.  No more suffering.  God's promise.  It's a good thing!


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