Things I Am Tired Of and Need To Be Addressed

 Haven't blogged in years so, therefore, this is a fresh start. Many people will identify with what I say; many will not. However, these are my thoughts on things that are no longer acceptable and a few slams on companies that are cheating us, if you have noticed. And, cheating others.

It is never okay to just sit at home and collect money (other than retirees) when you are young, able bodied and fully capable of maintaining a job. When did we allow this to become acceptable? I believe in working for what you have, not sitting around letting your fellow Americans pay so you can do nothing. Very black and white. Wrong and right. The government (we as taxpayers) should not be funding a lifestyle you have become accustomed to over generations. It is wrong. This is no longer acceptable to me and I will be doing whatever it takes to change this in the November 24 elections. Get up off your arses and WORK for what you want! I refuse to pay for you.

Let me address a HUGE elephant in the room: Groceries. Do you remember when Walmart had plenty of open lanes with actual humans running them. AND, there were self checkout lanes that provided a conveyer belt to place your weekly shopping on instead of the ridiculous space they now provide. I am unable to put bagged groceries in my buggy because of all the items that have to stay in the cart because there is no longer room to get all/most of your groceries out. There are very few "assisted checkout" lanes available because I guess people don't want to work. See above paragraph. I thought the purpose of a big box store is to get as much of your business as they can. Well, Walmart solved that problem for me and also helped me to stop binge buying and picking up things that I don't really need but would like to have. It's easier to order online and go pick up your groceries. Walmart probably loses a couple of hundred bucks a month because I will not in store shop any longer. I'm not sure if Target has many lanes open or conducive to in store shoppers. I haven't been there in months; not because I don't love Target, I just don't need the temptation to buy all the wonderful things they have and their groceries are higher than Walmart. Walmart, as far as I'm concerned, you have really screwed up. Of course, the Chi Vi and the present administration have screwed us over. My opinion folks, take it or leave it.

A HUGE elephant in the room (I have an entire herd) I will adequately try to describe as delicately as possible. When did it become acceptable for the majorities of Americans to allow 13% of the population to run the country. This fact is illustrated in our commercials, TV shows and movies. What? Many of you will know exactly what I'm talking about. I was watching a program last night (true crime of course) in which 8 of the 10 commercials starred the 13 percent. I will not be buying from companies that no longer feature caucasians as well as the 13%. Consumers as a whole are a lot more than the 13% who advertise their wares. So stop catering to a few. Treat ALL people equally as God created us and stop painting white people as bad. There are loads of whites who are bad and plenty of other races as well. White lives matter too. As do the unborn but that's an elephant for another time. And once again I will be voting for change this November.

Today I got out and got my 2 pitiful bags of groceries from Wally for about 100 bucks. I went in store because I needed produce and I'm wary of ordering that online now because my shopper always seems to grab what's on top (the oldest usually) without ever looking to see that rotted piece of fruit/vegetables in there. Got those loaded up and was ready for what used to be an absolute TREAT for Izzy and I when she was small: a trip to the library in a nearby town. (Our village spends all kinds of money but have never gotten around to bothering about a library in the 41 years we've lived here). I go to pick up books for my 90 year old mother and me. We both like cozy mysteries, I like true crime and a bit more of the suspense books. Now, for several months almost the entire area around the library, including roads, have been under construction due to the newest Taj Mahal they have decided to build for the police department and God knows who else. So glad we don't pay taxes THERE! It's bone rattling and murder on the car to get in to there. The traffic flow has been so compromised one has to wait forever to turn on the street to get to the street you need to turn into the library. Today I discovered one of the entrance/exits totally blocked off now. Sure, I could go around back and park and climb 9,000 stairs but I don't do stairs any longer. Certainly not safely. So I park out front. Sue me. I finally make it into the building to find: THE LIBRARY IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION INSIDE! The carpet is already the most ridiculous looking stuff I have ever seen. But for the tax payer's dollars, I wish they would put in something else. Now, my oldest granddaughter has not been to library with me in a you know what's age due to the previously mentioned  illness which shall not be named. Same for the oldest grandson. The second granddaughter was born during that magic time I've mentioned so she has never been. She is now 3 and I want to take her to enjoy a time that her big sister and I had together. I checked out the kid's wing and was shocked to see how much it has changed. Gone are the books as you walk in and a big play area for toddlers (not 12 year olds) that was there the last time I looked. They've added tons more computers which, God knows, our little darlings need more screen time. I don't know if they got rid of books, crammed them all together or what but it is a far cry from what it was just a few years ago. So sad. Then when I pull inline to wait (at our one way in/out) it's backed up because some idiot 29 wheeler has decided to turn into a spot not meant for him to get on our new one way road! I was horrified. Maybe he got him some Chick Filet or something but that was one of the most stupid things I have seen recently. But, there's always tomorrow!!!! Now, many of you know I used to drive fire trucks for the fun of it and one of my pet peeves was trying not to make a turn in which I would trail over onto a sidewalk, or something. As I sat there in horror and watched this dude, he proceeded to get out and remove orange posts in his way (I wish I had had aperitifs for everyone watching) get back in this giant truck and proceeded to mow over the one way sign right in front of the library. That was a Cat 4 on the trailover.  We all knew it was going to happen but couldn't turn away from it. He took off on down the road leaving a wake of destruction behind him and a line of traffic he held up for the next several minutes. "Here's yur sign, buddy"! You are a menace to street signs and probably every curb or planted area in this state. I came home disgruntled, depressed and hot as the dickens because I refuse to run my A/C due to the idiot who shut down our pipeline and the resulting prices.

I guess I will stop here and read one of my library books. I still had much to say today about speeders on Brazos in Highland Village and the schools and what they were originally built for. But, I'll live to offend another day, I'm sure. I just realized I don't want to live here anymore. But the hubs and I are at a time in our lives where the smart thing is to just stay put. I remember what our town and little village was like in the 60s. And I miss it.

Till I vent again.......Deb


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