The State Of My Heart

As I have stated in the past this isn't a Mom Blog. Yes, I am a Mom to 3 of the most perfect children on earth. Do you know why? Because God has blessed Mike and I. And, they no longer live at home, LOL. I miss my boys. I loved having them at home.....I am lost without that job to do any longer. Jordan has added a wonderful daughter in law to our family of 4 and we are so blessed. So blessed.
I do love crafts but most of the time I see a project on another page and simply do it. Of course some times I tweak a bit and have my own crazy creativity let loose. There really isn't much new out there anymore. Every won do derful, crafty, talented, creative person has invented them by now. I am privy to what is coming out for Plaid from my "adopted" babies Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza but usually I forget more than I remember, LOL. I did have a wonderful time in the 90s designing primitive samplers for one quilt shop and the Dallas Quilt Show and they are becoming quite popular again so I may get out a blank piece of paper and have another go at it. It would be nice to get the juices flowing again. I may surprise us all. Who knows?
I enjoy cooking. After 40 years of marriage I am so tired of the recipes I have made for nearly half a century. Did I just say that? Good grief, where has time gone? I am thankful for Pinterest and am a rabid pinner every day. I have fixed several recipes and it gives me joy to cook something new. Some are pretty darn good but we have had the "don't think I'll make this again" moments. So be sure to ask about my Pinterest Boards. They have some awesome recipes. And, I have a few of my own I will share from time to time right here. They will be easy and hopefully frugal for us all. Plus I love the fall. There is def "fall" food that really tastes best during this time of year. Now fall in Texas usually means it stays in the 80s but occasionally Mother Nature surprises us. I love fall. I love Halloween. Our holiday season kicks off officially with Labor Day. Fall and Halloween decorating begins and our house becomes a haunted home during this time. I've decided this year to focus more on the front porch and yard and back off a bit on inside decor. It has finally gotten to be too much and I realize I have to make some hard decisions about all of the stuff I have accumulated over the years. After the boys left, it just has not been the same. It took all 4 of us to answer the door, run the boom boxes, fog with the machine and stand guard over our big front yard cemetery. I'm okay with that. The front porch theme is black crows and I am having so much fun. I will do my Lemax village and also my black cat display in the kitchen. November 1st it all comes down and Christmas begins. We celebrate Thanksgiving but with Christmas throughout the house.
So that is the future of my blog. What is on my heart is shame. I have a terribly sarcastic mouth. I get angry very quickly. I voice my frustration. Sometimes I let a bomb or 2 drop. It is something I am not proud of but there it is. So I will post my thoughts religious and political right here. Facebook is overheated with snarkisms and people who stop by to try to change minds. My thought has always been that we all have our own ideas. Are they all smart? Shucks, no. But we have soldiers dying and 4 fine men in Benghazi and people in those planes on September 11 that fought for MY right to think as I believe is true. To silently disagree and either pray for others or think to myself how I stupid can they be? Not nice! At all! How do I honor my heroes of freedom? By being kind in my comments and how I react to other's comments. That honors my God and those fallen heroes. I think that is a good thing. I pray so.
Now on to politics and how the decisions of our government have affected the Brod Abode. And for those who come out better, then be on your knees thanking God for His goodness. The Affordable Health Care act is a nightmare. For this family. For others I am reading about, seeing and researching. BUT, there is good mixed in with the WTHeck? Mike has been a pharmacist for more years than some of you have been alive. But the mere threat of ACA has cost lasting repercussions as we see what has happened in anticipation of this bill. Act. Law. Ruling. For us our insurance has already changed 2 times this year. Since January. We are getting bills we never got before. The coverage is much different than what we have been blessed with through Mike's hard work over nearly 4 decades. He got his notice that changes due to AHA are on the near horizon. Less coverage, more money. That goes against everything President Obama campaigned on and promised us as Americans. We are far from being alone. So for us this law is not welcome since Mike is in the healthcare business and we have insurance provided by who he is employed by. I had never in my life seen a foreclosure notice and EVICTION notice until this past year. The house across the street. The gentleman there lost his job in 09 and couldn't get another. My best friend's husband's job got outsourced. She had to go to work and he finally got put on full time at a job that pays dramatically less than he made before the last administration outsourced so many jobs. They can no longer afford some of the meds that keep them going. Such a shame. Is it worth it? So no, we are not in support of Obamacare and my prayer and wish is to have it delayed for the regular citizens as certain groups have been excused and delayed for a year. We need that too. That is what I support. I so admire Ted Cruz but I think he is wrong. A care act can work but most Americans are not against it since the truth is being revealed and people are wading through the thousand pages and finding out the hidden baddies amonst the goodies. Rework it. Make it easy. DO make it affordable for all and encourage those who are used to government help to get a job. At McDonalds if you have to. I'm willing to work there in a pinch.  One year delay for Americans. Who voted. Who put these people in office. Who will vote these people OUT of office. Aren't they supposed to be working for America? I don't see it anymore. It's time to reign Washington in. Democrats, Republicans and whatever the new catchy name for the newbies is. My affiliation? Not much any longer. I'm an American. I believe in America under the guidance of God. I believe our focus should be what the founding father's idea was. I'm not sure Little George was right when he said at the dedication of his library that "the best is yet to come for America". Don't see it right now but I do trust and believe in God and every single day we need to hit our knees in submission to Him and to pray that He will Bring Back The Glory.
So, this is me. This is my blog. Sometimes you will want to read it and sometimes you will not. But it is truly me. Warts and all. I am a smart mouthed, sarcastic, sometimes temper driven person. But you know what? God has forgiven me. Amen.


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