
Showing posts from September, 2013

The State of the Nation

As noted in previous posts I am a Christian. A Believer. A born again human being. I've often wondered what the perfect description would be. There is a deeper commitment than just believing there is a God. A relationship that is more than the simple acknowledgement of some deity. I can say I'm a Baptist. Only in the past several years. Prior to that I was non-denominational. I grew up in a Bible church but now find beliefs are not very different at all. And then you throw in southern Baptist. Oh my. The images that that conjures up. Rattle snakes, no drinking, no dancing.....many take it more seriously. I wear pants. I wear makeup. At this point in my life I need all the help I can possibly get. Denomination and the very word "religions" cause many problems and is a problem with many people. Anyway. I'm a born again Christian believer and do a shameful job each day of being Christ-like and leaning completely on Him. I try.....but not hard enough. And yet, He spea...

The State Of My Heart

As I have stated in the past this isn't a Mom Blog. Yes, I am a Mom to 3 of the most perfect children on earth. Do you know why? Because God has blessed Mike and I. And, they no longer live at home, LOL. I miss my boys. I loved having them at home.....I am lost without that job to do any longer. Jordan has added a wonderful daughter in law to our family of 4 and we are so blessed. So blessed. I do love crafts but most of the time I see a project on another page and simply do it. Of course some times I tweak a bit and have my own crazy creativity let loose. There really isn't much new out there anymore. Every won  do  derful, crafty, talented, creative person has invented them by now. I am privy to what is coming out for Plaid from my "adopted" babies Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza but usually I forget more than I remember, LOL. I did have a wonderful time in the 90s designing primitive samplers for one quilt shop and the Dallas Quilt Show and they are  becoming qui...

God Shed His Grace On Thee

Another sad day for America and our fellow Americans. What have we become? It's easy to blame guns and the need to disarm Americans. That is exactly what  the hope of many of our politicians is which will solve nothing. People who want a gun will get one. People who want to kill will find a way. How this poor soul managed to get into the navy yard is beyond me. He badly wanted in it sounds like. Have we become so lax in our awareness, our comfort zone that it has enabled some man to get through what should have been excellent government security? Are we complacent? Asleep? I do not understand this at all. Taking guns away would not have prevented this tragedy today. This man served our country. What brought him to this? Why didn't someone see the desperation in this man's heart? But even when our government is warned as we were by Russia about the brothers who blew people, mere children to bits. We were made no difference. So I have to wonder if our government...