Changing it Up!!

Howdy from north central Texas! It's Deb the blogger who never blogs! But I do have some changes in the works. First the title: has been changed from Fluffy Goat Feathers to The Brod Abode. The jury is still out on whether it will affect my page on Facebook and my Etsy shop. What do you all think? Is it better to have a uniform name and is it possibly confusing to have more than one name? I'm thinking of going with the one name just to keep it simple.
Obviously I will never be the blogger Ree Drummond (LOVE) is or even some of the favorites I follow. That used to bother me because I thought the blog needs to follow in successful foot steps but I realized that's not necessarily me. I will occasionally have a meltdown here, something I'm sure Ree would never do and true crime may be discussed more than recipes or gardening stories. Although it will still fit the Fluffy Goat Feathers "layout" of gardening, crafting, cooking, reading, pet care, holidays it will drift from what we all deem dream blogs. Be sure to check out my Pinterest page (under Deb Brod) to see some of the super blogs I am inspired by. 

I admin. several Facebook pages and one Facebook fan page for my darling babies Steve Piacenza and Cathie Filian. It pretty much runs itself because we have great followers so I only pop in occasionally. I admin. 2 Crafty Hoarder pages, my own page and The Little Shop of Hoarders where we sell ALL kinds of crafting supplies at awesome prices. Please check those out as well. My Fluffy Goat Feathers page on Facebook is where I sell jewelry making supplies and crafty trims and ribbons. Occasionally knitted and crocheted items will show up and so will holiday/seasonal items. Please "like" my page and check out the shop to tell me what you think. Etsy is still under Fluffy Goat Feathers as well but as mentioned above I'm thinking major changes are needed there as well. I can always be contacted through this blog and through Facebook and would love to hear that someone may actually read my posts.

Looking forward to a stunning spring in the herb, flower and veggie gardens this year. AND a well planted koi pond once again. As many of you know I had scoliosis surgery in November of 2010 to correct an 80 degree curve in my spine. Basically, my spine was taken apart and rebuilt. I've had issues below the knee on my left leg and foot where swelling continues daily and there is a great loss of feeling as well. Some day I will get back to trying to figure out what needs to be done. I tried to get started with a neurologist in September of 2011 only to break my femur in October in Hawaii. Yes, I'm a klutz of Bella Swan Cullen proportions. I had foot surgery to correct toe problems that occurred from the compression stockings I wore following back surgery. It's an endless cycle but I've managed to stay upright, no more breaks or trips to the hospital so this spring I'm positively chomping at the bit to get outside and get my hands dirty. Are you planning your garden yet? I think in this day and age it is almost needed with food prices and financial unrest worldwide. Gardening is a good thing.

See you soon!!!!
Deb in Tex


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