Today is the day we start updating our 31 year old home. Too new to be a classic; too old to be trendy. We are starting with removing the popcorn from the ceiling. Mike's idea.....apparently that is the thing to do now. It's never really bugged me. Yes, I thought it was stupid but, hey, whatever. We're having new canned lighting in the kitchen to make it brighter and replacing countertops. I guess we'll go with granite which is okay with me. Wilsonart has some beautiful laminates and I would LOVE to have wood countertops but granite will be beautiful. Then I'll ruminate for a while on what I want to do with the cabinets. Alot of painting needs to be done as well as putting tile floors in strategic places and ripping up carpet. We will probably try to tackle that ourselves. Mike is very good at tiling and we put our Wilsonart laminate floors in the kitchen ourselves with alot of help from family. Mike just spent $$$ on a new filter for the pond so I'll have to watch my pennies for a bit, LOL. Hobby Lobby does have a 40% off coupon in their ad this week. Pick that up at their website: I found some tutes on Youtube last week for darling crochet flowers and have been working on those, along with the paper, fabric and boxes I'm die cutting for jewelry, bookmarks, whatever! Keep me in your positive thoughts today as I hate messes, unless it's my craft room or the guest room or my craft closet....hmmmm probably shouldn't have gone down that road. Oh, and, buy more Avon!! It will go straight into the Brod Abode house fund, LOL. www.
Life's a Hoot!
What has the Brod Abode been up too? Hmmmm so many things have gone on the last month or so. This Brod has become a Food Network addict. Again. And that is awesome because now all I want to do this "going to be Texas hot" summer is try new recipes! IF ONLY I didn't have to go to the grocery store. My dream kitchen would include a never ending pantry. Need it? It's there. Ah, I can dream. The bored om factor has been so great I've succumbed to the temptation of General Hospital again. First time in maybe, 20 years? Getting old is extremely interesting and so is double cataract surgery. And the rules that accompany said surgery. I think I have discovered that they have discovered I can be an ornery patient. I guess another old thing. An old EMT, VBG. So no bending, lifting heavy things, gardening, being out in the wind, no anything at all that might allow something to get in my eyes. I get that. I do. And the resulting eyesight is awesome. It's not perfect but w...
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