I stumbled on the Purina All Star site this morning and watched the most awesome video about an elephant seal communicating with a human. Absolutely unbelieveable. The girl sitting there doesn't really move very much or touch, but does lean in for several kisses. It's the sweetest thing ever and I have to say, even better than the "A Cat Betrayed" video. Please check it out.

Ran to Target this morning for more diet coke plus and printer cartridges and then to Michael's for a Sizzix die. I'm making Lauren and Jordan some collages for their media room in the new house. I think they will be adding to the family this weekend. No, not a baby, but a furr baby. They have found a French Spaniel (I think that's what the breed is) that is about a year old, black and white. Really cute and sounds like he has a super personality. I'm always glad to add to the grandpets....this makes 3. Lauren lost her precious Lady in October and I know Jasper will be such a comfort and joy for her. It's so hard to lose our animals but the pain we suffer when they are gone is worth the years of joy they bring.

Mike gets in tonight and I'm trying to clean up a bit and do laundry. I swear it looks like Animal House here. Have a great weekend.


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