Falling Into Fall
Even though the temps are still hot here in north Texas, the air has changed. At least it seems that way to me. Grasping at straws.....quite possibly. LOL But regardless, it lifts my spirit and I'll take that any day. Fall is my favorite time of year. Opening windows after living in air conditioning for months on end and before buttoning up for the colder air of winter and the heater. The leaves on our ornamental pears begin to turn a beautiful shade of maroon, the neighbors' trees are a riot of gold and orange and the leaves begin to fall. Yard work slows down. I swear every year I'm going to have a wonderful fall veggie garden and every year it doesn't happen. I have always believed we will have better luck in the fall rather than our non existent spring that quickly melts into a hot and dry summer. One of these years I will have to follow through. Have you had a successful far garden? Texas weather can be so strange but I still have hopes of getting a garden in. S...