
Showing posts from March, 2015

Happy New Year Part 1

Happy New Year? Part 1? Yes, I have been away for a long while and so much has happened. I'm breaking it up into 2 parts to try to explain all the crazy, wonderful and yes, painful things that have happened too. It's been crazy around the Brod Abode since the holidays and hasn't let up for a moment. But, all is good. Once the holidays were over I always leave up our decorations until 12th Night or the Epiphany. I enjoy them so much more after the holidays it seems because there is a bit more time to relax and focus. I planned to take them down starting on the 6th. For those of you who occasionally read my occasional blogs, our family had a major challenge handed to us last summer. Hubs, Mr. Mike, who has been a pharmacist for nearly 40 years lost his job at Express Scripts. Yeppers, they just closed the entire place down in June. This put hundreds of pharmacists and pharmacy techs out of work in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Which means those who found jobs in this area were v...