
Showing posts from November, 2013

Scoliosis Surgery Three Year Anniversary

Today is November 16th. And three years ago today was a day that has forever changed my life. I am blessed. So many of you know this story but I wanted to write today to share with other people who may be considering scoliosis surgery or have already scheduled it. You need to know my story. I had talked to so many of you on the phone over the past 3 years, we've actually met over at Southwest Scoliosis Institute (SSI) and we are friends who try to keep up with one another on Facebook. A few of you are like family now. It's a day that continues to give in the friendships that are cemented and will never end. I thank you for your trust and encouragement over the past 3 years. When I was 13 I was diagnosed with a mild to moderate case of scoliosis. It was still pretty new but Dr. Paul Harrington had invented the Harrington rod by 1968 and we found a wonderful scoliosis doctor in downtown Dallas. My case was not severe enough to warrant surgery so we used a Milwaukee brace for my...


Each year as we approach the anniversary of a world tragedy, the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I begin to look for new books or magazine specials to read and am glued to the TV for new specials or simply watch the video library I have acquired over the years. Even though it was published months ago I am reading Killing Kennedy by Bill 0'Reilly and look forward to watch the National Geographic special movie based on O'Reilly's book. Rob Lowe will take a stab at the title role. He has garnered praise but I think I will have trouble seeing him as Kennedy. Ginnifer Goodwin plays Jackie which I do not see at all but then I couldn't imagine Katie Holmes in that role either and she did very, very well. So maybe I will be surprised. Clint Hill, the secret service agent, assigned to Jaqueline exclusively has a new book coming out this month as well.  He is an excellent writer and absolutely was the rock Jackie could lean on. So I'm in my "JFK Mode". It...

Gosh, how did we get so old?

Today is Wednesday. Enchilada Wednesday. I try to take it easy on Wednesdays so I actually feel like going out in the evening. I am old. I've dealt with so many issues but you know? In light of what others are dealing with my health issues are small. I am grateful for that. Thank you Lord. But by the end of the day, even if my accomplishments are minor, I'm exhausted. Ready to get my legs and feet in bed and watch TV and do something crafty. So until I feel comfortable enough to wear my PJs, no makeup and closed eyes to El Fenix I will continue to take it easy. How did I get this old? I was a JV Cheerleader. I played football and baseball in our pasture. I was a firefighter. I was a size 3 when I entered high school and left at size 5-7. The shades of things to come..... So today I was looking through YouTube and finding bands I liked in the 80s. Trying to stay off the news although I think Chris Christies's speech was a prelude to what will come on 2016. If I believed t...

Special Needs Pets

I have been very vocal about special needs pets for quite some time. Following the death of our beloved girl Rosie, I was given the opportunity to draw even more attention to what mainly is the cause of these poor little creatures. I think every problem in the world can be traced back to greed. There is a group of people who start out taking dogs, cats, etc. in and end up being a pet hoarder in spite of the good intentions of their hearts. I can most certainly identify with that. I would be an animal hoarder. I know this in my heart. And since I'm just shy of 60 they would become too much for me to handle. There are days the cockatiels (Boo and Hoot) our rescued greyhound Chucky and all the beautiful fish in my koi pond become overwhelming. But I love each and every one of them. The fish have names. They are precious to me. And there are days I don't know how I will go on with life when they die. And the bottom line on many breeders today is money. Greed. And they breed and bre...