Rosie Speaks Out
Hi my sweet friends, this is Rosie. Aunt Deb asked me to guest on her blog today. She's from Texas y'all and I met her last fall with my Mom. She talked funny but we had a very good time. She will never forget our meeting and I will never forget meeting each of you over my short life. It made me a happy dog to be loved by so many. I was the luckiest dog alive. But I know my trip over the bridge has been hard for all of you. But I want you to know: I keep my eyes on that bridge every single day to see what friend or loved one crosses over. I can run now and you know I will be running with a smile on my face and give you the biggest greeting ever. So don't be sad. There is a beach next to the bridge which I lounge at each day. And guess what? I don't have to use sun screen any more! Isn't that great? I have all of this fur all over me now. I am stylin' I tell you. My legs and toes work perfectly too! When I got here one of my cat friends offered to do my nails, in...