
Showing posts from October, 2013

Rosie Speaks Out

Hi my sweet friends, this is Rosie. Aunt Deb asked me to guest on her blog today. She's from Texas y'all and I met her last fall with my Mom. She talked funny but we had a very good time. She will never forget our meeting and I will never forget meeting each of you over my short life. It made me a happy dog to be loved by so many. I was the luckiest dog alive. But I know my trip over the bridge has been hard for all of you. But I want you to know: I keep my eyes on that bridge every single day to see what friend or loved one crosses over. I can run now and you know I will be running with a smile on my face and give you the biggest greeting ever. So don't be sad. There is a beach next to the bridge which I lounge at each day. And guess what? I don't have to use sun screen any more! Isn't that great? I have all of this fur all over me now. I am stylin' I tell you. My legs and toes work perfectly too! When I got here one of my cat friends offered to do my nails, in...

Everything Rosie

This has really been a wild week in so many ways. A major thing is happening in our family's life right now and has come to a head. It is not my story to tell at this time but we will be praising God no matter how this all turns out. I am human. I worry. I do that better than almost anything. I have a PHD in it. So I worry about everything and worrying is a prayer to the wrong God. A youth minister I had in high school told me that. So the family issues cannot be shared right now we know in our hearts that He is in charge but my brain still keeps putting in those little doubts even though heart tells me there is no point. Lay it at Jesus' feet and let go. F.R.O.G. Fully rely on God. America has disappointed me so badly. I never thought I would see us at this point. But when you make a conscience choice to kick God out of the country politics and standards it's not going to go very well. I wish more people knew that. But we have gotten farther and farther away from what th...