
Showing posts from August, 2013

Obama Care

I have seen, heard, watched, read about Obama Care as much as I want to by now. What seemed like a good idea to so many in America has begun to lose it's luster. More and more people are realizing that it was a quick sell without enough research being done. I am one of those people. And I can back up my beliefs by simply watching our politicians, unions, president and government employees beginning to say, "hey, wait a minute" when they realize they will have the same care. Ex presidents have a cushy life and will never have to worry about health care. They should start worrying about global government, healthcare and cities going bankrupt because they spent what they did not have and believed promises by politicians convincingly saying they would not let anyone go under. Hmmmmm. So rather than do this on Facebook where everyone can see, jump in and leave a snark, or imply because you don't agree with them you are stupid. Believe me, I would love to see this all play...