
Showing posts from March, 2013

Texas Weather and other stuff

 Howdy from north central Texas this morning. Boy has it been a crazy week around here as far as weather goes. And around the country. #1 son said they got over 12 inches of snow at his home in Crystal MN so he worked from the house yesterday. Have I mentioned one or two hundred times that he works for Target and was promoted to headquarters in 07? Oh, I have. I'm still one proud Mama of his success and the work ethic his Daddy and I must have instilled in him. I still grieve that he moved so far away but that's the way it's supposed to be. Or so I've been told. I'll let you know if my heart ever stops aching. Oh, the weather. Sometimes I forget and go on a good rant about my children. Proud of all 3. So on Monday it's 85 and we're burning up outside. The inside of the house is nice and cool because of the lower temps at night. Then yesterday the high was 55. And the wind has blown and blown and it's affecting our sinuses or allergies or whatever. I was...