Bring On The Clowns
Everywhere I look this morning is some blurb about "who won the debate" last night. I have asked myself time and time again do I REALLY care? Does it really matter in the scheme of things or simply the long run? I've thought about it and thought about it this morning wondering if I am just apathetic or I'm on to something. I've read scripture and prayed. And then, it came to me......if America doesn't win then what does it matter? Should the American people not be the winner in this election? We are not winning now and while I do not believe President Obama is capable of leading us out of this situation I wonder if Romney can do any better? Obama had positive, lofty goals which he was unable to achieve. I honestly believe he thought he could do what he said he could. And in his defense, the problems in our country started decades ago. You can't blame Obama or President Bush or Clinton or Reagan. Each has had a hand in the demise of our nation but I truly b...