
Showing posts from September, 2012

Some of My Favorite Freebie Sites and Tutorials

I am putting together a list of some of my favorite blogs. These include FREE patterns, FREE tutorials for sewing, knitting, cross stitching and quilting! I LOVE Pinterest and that is where i was able to find most of them. Don't ya just love "pinning"? I sure do; it's very addictive and doesn't put any weight on me.  to see what I have been up to. One of my all time favorite blogs is Lindsay Wilkes's site, The Cottage Home. Known on the web as The Cottage Mama her blog is so cozy and relaxing. She has great tutorials, recipes, tips.....and her little cottage near Chicago is to die for. She has a line of children's clothes and patterns that you simply must check out. They are so, sew sweet. We have been so busy this summer in the two Hoarder groups I moderate on Facebook. We have just opened our very own de-hoard shop on Facebook called The Little Shop of Hoarders. Please stop by and check o...
Happy Labor Day everyone! Just a quick post on my newly designed blog my friend Marta H. set up for me. We are being low key today, no where to go but we are going for some Tex Mex shortly. I am so excited to tell you about our new shop on Facebook called The Little Shop of Hoarders! Some of you know I moderate two Hoarder groups on Facebook, we love all things crafty and together we could stock an enormous warehouse with crafting tools, all types and then some. We will be setting our shop up in tandem with our groups and will sell a variety of supplies in one convenient place. SO excited. I'm am purging my crafting/sewing/whatever hoard and we will be offering fast ship and quality merchandise unused or slightly used. I will keep everyone up to date but stay tuned! Again, happy holiday and stay safe today. A great deal of bad stuff happening out in the world. Till later...... :Deb