
Showing posts from November, 2011

I'm getting better at this...

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my scoliosis surgery and my back is doing great!! Just a few problems with my left foot but we are working on that still. I am thankful for my surgery. As promised, I am clearing out my TV DVD collection and listing them here on my blog rather than putting them on eBay. Each season is $20.00 unless otherwise stated. I will notify you of the final shipping cost. Cashiers check and money orders only. Ships only in the United States. Law and Order SVU Seasons 1 and 3 C.S.I. New York Seasons 1 and 2 Veronica Mars Seasons 1-3 Without A Trace Seasons 1-2 Ghost Whisperer Seasons 1-2 Medium Seasons 1-3 24 Seasons 1-3 Whose The Boss? Season 1 ($10.00) Missing Season Season 1. ($10.00) Alias Seasons Seasons 1-4 Just email me , leave me a message here or catch me on one of my Facebook pages. Thanks.
I have not kept up as promised. So, I won't promise anymore but promise to try to be better. There is so much going on, so many things to post. This year has been extremely eventful and I will blog about it later. It's time to get ready for Christmas. Can't believe it's only 6 weeks from today and I have nothing done which I will blog about later, LOL. I have three great groups I started on Facebook: The official Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza fan page, Extremely Crafty Hoarders and Extremely Crafty Hoarders Holidays. Tons of DIY on Cath and Steve's various pages, lots of fun, swaps, recipes and just good old visiting on my other two pages. If you are interested in joining either, please give me a shout. I have a Facebook page of my own as well. That's it for today. Am busy working on slipper sox for my Etsy shop and for gifts and need to photo and post. I'll be adding more favorite Christmas recipes this week and will be trying new gluten free ones as w...