
Showing posts from August, 2011
Went to the doctor today. Good news and bad news. Back is looking great, I've met two new patients and had my picture taken for the newspaper article. My foot and leg are no better so it's back to testing, CT scan, MRI and another blasted myelogram which I dread worse than surgery. If they can determine what is going on, hopefully it can corrected by surgery. Hopefully. Otherwise I'll be wearing flip flops all year long. Not a happy thought. My prayer is that this will be easily diagnosed and easily repaired. Really need everyone's positive thoughts and prayers. Pretty down today. I've tried for nine months to be positive but it has finally worn me down. Thanks everyone.
I haven't gotten much better about blogging. Exciting new things. My back is doing so well and I participated in an article for the Dallas Morning News about scoliosis.  I have an appointment on Thursday for my 9 month check-up!!! Yay! And the photographer from the DMN will be there as well as a new patient for me to meet. We've visited on-line but now get to meet in person. I have had the wonderful opportunity to counsel prospective patients on the phone and the Southwest Scoliosis Institute has a super Facebook page to help us keep connected.  My friend Molly had her scoli surgery yesterday and since the SSI is right across the street from Baylor Regional Medical Center Plano, I'll be able to check in on her as well. Busy, busy Thursday. But so worth it. I've started two new Facebook pages in addition to the Fan Page I help moderate for Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza. My new pages are Extremely Crafty Hoarders and Extremely Crafty Hoarders Holidays. We are off to...